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Managing Diabetes

Depending on the type of diabetes you have, there are many ways which you are required to help manage and control it. Similarly, if you have been diagnosed with prediabetes, then there are ways in which you can help prevent being diagnosed with diabetes.

  • Healthy balanced diet. Aim to eat the recommended intake of 5x fruit and vegetables each day and choose foods that are lower in calories, saturated fats, trans sugar, sugar and salt. Foods with more fiber such as whole grains, cereals and pasta are ones to choose.

  • Exercising regularly – at least 30 minutes a day or longer if you require for weight control.

  • Avoiding things like smoking which are not helpful when managing diabetes.

  • Regularly monitor blood glucose levels before and after eating. Remember to record what your levels are each time. Glucozen has the option to save your results which is a more convenient and easy way of doing it. However some people may choose to record their results in a diary format.
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